What Does A Pediatrician Do?


Common urinary diseases are caused by infections and conditions that affect the urinary tract. Most of these problems are caused by bacteria and are easily treatable with antibiotics. However, some infections may cause serious complications. For these kinds of diseases, getting a diagnosis from a urology doctor in Dubai is imperative. Several symptoms can indicate a potential problem.

Interstitial cystitis:

Interstitial cystitis is a condition where the bladder and the perineum are irritated. Symptoms include pressure in the pelvic area, frequent urge urination, and incontinence. Treatment is varied, ranging from diet changes to pain medications. Urine tests may be done to determine the underlying cause.


Treatment for prostatitis may include antibiotics or surgical intervention. Surgical intervention can improve urine flow and reduce urinary retention. In addition to antibiotics, a health care provider may prescribe muscle relaxants to reduce the bladder’s contractions and relieve pressure on the urethra. Muscle relaxants can also reduce the pain associated with the urgency to urinate.

Kidney stones:

You risk developing kidney stones if you have a low urine production rate. Drinking enough fluids every day can help lower the risk. A general recommendation is to drink 3 quarts of liquid daily (about the volume of three decks of cards). In addition to replacing the fluids lost through sweat, you should drink enough water to produce two liters of urine.

Chronic kidney disease:

Children with chronic kidney disease often don’t show symptoms until their kidney function has decreased to about 80%. Once this happens, they may experience fatigue, confusion, and nausea. Their body may also store fluids, which can cause swelling and high blood pressure. Eventually, end-stage kidney disease may require dialysis or a kidney transplant. Some risk factors for developing this disease include age over 60, family history, and the use of certain medications, such as painkillers.

Polycystic kidney disease:

While there is no cure for PKD, there are treatments that can ease symptoms and prevent complications. These include medications for high blood pressure and urinary tract infections. In severe cases, dialysis or kidney transplantation may be necessary. For more information, talk to your doctor for better treatment. You should also consider getting appropriate tests to know the condition of your kidney.

By April